So you’ve signed up for a Christian dating site such as eharmony, Christian Mingle, or Christian Cafe and you’re so excited! Then…nothing…Never fear help is here! In this piece, I want to tell you how to make a good Christian dating profile to attract the right person for you. Tip 1: Your Picture Matters Remember …
How many times have you told yourself “I want a good husband but there’s nothing out there!”? Read this article to help you achieve your dream of living a happy married life. How to Get a Christian Husband Tip 1: We all have gifts and flaws, focus on your gifts rather than your flaws I …
You’ve finally met someone you’re compatible with. You’re on the same page insofar as goals and values but there’s one thing that’s been gnawing at you. They’re Catholic and you’re a Protestant. Is it okay for a Christian to marry a Catholic? Read more to find out. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For …
Many Christian sisters ask me if it’s okay for a woman to pursue a man. The question is understandable given the images we see of worldly women going after the men that they like. But remember the world’s way is not God’s way. I strongly advise Christian women not to pursue men. Christians tend to …
If we are Christians then we know that our ways are not the world’s ways and that’s a good thing. That being said we need to make sure we are following God’s rules in a sustainable way. What I mean is marrying young just because you want to avoid corporeal sin may not be the …
Are you looking for the signs that a godly man is pursuing you? Despite what we may have been told guys can be shy as well and there are many situations where just coming out and declaring his love just isn’t possible. Whether it be because he’s at work or just doesn’t want to make …
It was October 11th, 2014. It was an unusually warm day for being in October and it was 3 days after I proposed to my girlfriend. She asked if she could just come over really quick because there was something I needed to know before we got married. I had so much swarming through my …
Often times when Christian women wonder what Christian guys look for in a girl they automatically think about the body. I won’t lie the female body is nice that’s not what most of us Christian guys really look for when we are looking for a suitable wife. Yes being pretty and having a nice body …
Many Christian sisters have met a guy but they’re not entirely sure he’s on the up and up. Or they just don’t want to put their hearts on the line only to find out he’s just another jerk that’s not serious or worse a guy that just wants to use you. The most important thing …
Let’s face it, dating can be tough for Christians. We want to date someone that shares our values and that can be tough in a society that tends to ever increasingly mock Christians. That’s why if we want to find Christians then we need to go where Christians are. Remember, faith without work is dead. …